
Saturday, January 19, 2013

365 Days in Nature - Days 17 - 24

Day 24 - This beautiful specimen of a Purple-winged Praying Mantis thought he was camouflaged on my door!

Day 23 - My mother-in-law has green thumbs and always has beautiful flowers in her garden. This Children's Rose is one such example. You will see more as the 365 days progresses

Day 22 - in contrast this shot was taken on a beautiful sunny day when the Jacaranda tree (my favourite) was just bursting into flower - ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Day 21 - You have seen the magnificent Manning Valley from our front door and know that there isn't water in front of our place. However, in June 2011, I shot this photograph when it was in full flood. I was fortunate enough to be able to capture this particular one of the full moon reflected in the flood waters, hopefully a unique shot for me!

Day 20 - living up on a hill looking across the amazing Manning Valley lends itself to some incredible skies. I love clouds and these were magnificent!

Day 19 - we have the most amazing birds in Australia. One of the most famous is our kookaburra, otherwise known as a "Laughing Jackass" because of it's amazing call which sounds as though somebody has just cracked a very funny joke. Just before sunrise most mornings, we have a chorus of 'laughter'. It is wonderful to hear. My mother-in-law has acquired a tame one who comes in every morning and most evenings to be hand-fed. She is gorgeous. We call her 'Radar' because she quite often flies straight into the front windows!

Day 18 - it was a cool, crisp night and the sky was an amazing deep, deep blue, not quite dark and there was the moon just hanging there asking me to take a photo... so I did!

Day 17 - Another tiny spider web coated with dew. We have hundreds hiding in the grass on our front paddock that you only ever notice when it's a dewy morning. This particular one just needed grayscale!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Thea! We are lucky as we have several who are quite tame and are willing to pose for a piece of meat!

  2. Love all these pics. The deep blue sky is gorgeous!

  3. Just catching up. Arrived back in the US yesterday and am now in Florida and once again have net access.

    Love these pictures - especially the kookaburra. I have been telling Thea how jealous I am of your birds. I did get some on the cruise in Mexico and The Bahamas.

    1. I have just done a catchup as well. Been an extraordinary week here in many ways and haven't kept up, so doing so now, in the calm before the storm
